These are friendly reminders from Green Earth Tours and Travel when planning your trip to Hong Kong:
Travel Tip # 1: Make sure you have a few Hong Kong dollars with you when you get to Kong Kong. That said, there are many forex stalls when you get to the airport in Hong Kong. The shops at the Hong Kong International Airport also accept US dollars.
Travel Tip # 2: Take note of the essentials. Bring your passport and other pertinent travel documents at all times. Make sure that before your travel to Hong Kong, you check your passport’s validity and that your passport should not expire in 6 month’s time prior your travel dates.
Travel Tip # 3: If possible, have your mobile on roaming in case of emergencies when in Hong Kong. That said, we will also provide a Hong Kong contact number you can reach if you need assistance.
Travel Tip # 4: Print out your Hong Kong Travel Voucher, as these may also be asked when queuing for immigration. Make sure that you have the name and address of your hotel in Hong Kong with you. When at the airport, you can ask for the concierge’s help to write the hotel’s name in Chinese, so that in case you intend to travel on your own during your free time, you have this handy and can provide such to your taxi driver.
Travel Tip # 5: Bring some munchies with you. That said, the best way to get to know the Hong Kong culture is to try their local food. Be adventurous and make awesome memories.